Xperia 10 III 您所在的位置:网站首页 fastboot oem unlock failed Xperia 10 III

Xperia 10 III

#Xperia 10 III | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


[UPDATE] It appears I’ve missed the step reverting to some 0ld Android version – there are probably 2 reason why this happened: (1) font size is small and contrast is (IMO) very bad in that instructions page (the link is almost invisible) ;/ and (2) I cannot understand why such a step is needed and why that fastboot would just not have worked (the usual fixes for “same problem” is to “use usb hub” (therefore I tried that 10-year old machine) (this reminds that 5 years ago when I installed SFOS to Xperia X I might have also install an old os image, but I just could not have remembered that this time) (rest of the message here unmodified (so far…) (let’s see if I succeed now).

Got Sony Xperia 10 III, purchaced SailfishOS licence and now trying to install it.

I think I’ve got all steps in the doc done as instructed (have read it so many times and double checked many times)

First time I tried w/o installing any updates, but after it failed every time, eventually installed all updates (like 4-5 of those, taking hours to complete)

Now the device had android version 12 and informs device has already the latest system updates (Laitteessa on jo uusimmat järjestelmäpäivitykset)

For running that fastboot oem unlock the relevant information (afaic) are: “OEM:n lukituksen avaus” and “USB-vianetsintä”) which both are enabled, and

Also this “Service Menu → Configuration” shown by that ##…## entered in dialer shows that “Bootloader unlock allowed: Yes”

Now I have tried to run the command fastboot oem unlock 0xC0DE… many times, first on Fedora 36, 5-year old dell, then Ubuntu 20.04, 4-year old ThinkPad and finally on Ubuntu 18.04, 10 year old thinkpad… all of those output the same message:

$ sudo fastboot oem unlock 0xC0DE…

FAILED (remote: Command did not succeed)

(blue led on, usb-c cable connected)

Ubuntu’s have fastboot version 1:8.1.+r23, fedora 31.0.2 – I also downloaded upstream tools, which print out

$./platform-tools/fastboot --version

fastboot version 33.0.3-8952118

all give the same response

It is almost 2’o-clock In the morning, and out of ideas, will go to sleep; hopefully someone have some hints what to try next.

btw: i wonder wether this is relevant:

openat(AT_FDCWD, “/sys/bus/usb/devices/1-2/serial”, O_RDONLY) = 5 read(5, “HQ623Q151F\n”, 255) = 11 close(5)

I saw some other code in some of the pages i found in intternet…






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